One dress for life

Great reasons why sustainable fashion makes sense can be found vastly. To me, it wasn’t just to wear sustainable clothes, but also to change my mindset about fashion and beauty. I find fashion questionable and real beauty timeless. The two almost contradict each other. To explore what a redefinition of fashion may look like, I made myself the promise to wear one and the same dress every day. For life. It has been a project of mine for the past four years. With ups, downs, and some jeans in between. Part of the project is and was intense research about beauty, fashion, the psychology behind it, the cultural meaning of it, the systems around it… I currently don’t know what to do with my learnings and would therefore be grateful to know if the topic is of interest to people and in what format they would like to get to know more about it. If you have any thoughts on this, please let me know.