Why all this?

For the past 10+ years, I experimented and researched worldviews that support an ecophilic lifestyle: a lifestyle in right relationship to life. 

Through my writing and personal tutoring, I hope to help you explore and develop your own worldview that moves you towards personal AND planetary wellbeing . My approach is based on scientific, psychological, and philosophical insights merged with self-experiments.

Three random facts about me:

  1. I wear the same dress for life.
  2. I foraged all my food in Berlin for a month.
  3. I like radical lifestyle experiments.

My Worldview: Ecophilia

We often find people trying to impose their own worldview on others. This is neither helpful nor fruitful and often harmful. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons for conflicts. Yet, we can learn from each others worldviews when we remain curious and open. When I write about my own worldview, I want to express what I find to be relevant. Take it or leave it.

I summarise my own worldview as ecophilia: the love for all life. Ecophilia merges systems thinking & relationality, personal & sustainable development, and leads to lifestyle practices such as forrest gardening, wearing one and the same dress my whole life, regenerative nourishment, living tiny and simply…
